35 Crockpot Soup Recipes You Need to Make!

Whoever invented the crockpot had a genius idea! I love how a crockpot is practically a dump and go type kitchen gadget. Put some ingredients in, leave it for several hours and dinner is ready! I mean, honestly, does it get any easier than this?! It’s especially convenient if you need to be gone for a good portion of the day and want dinner ready about the time you get home. I use my crockpot so much! It’s definitely one of my kitchen essentials.

It’s mid-summer, so you probably don’t have much interest in these soup recipes now as we currently have a winter heat warning going across the nation. :-0 BUT, don’t let that stop you from browsing these soup recipes. Fall will be here before we know it and then the cold days of winter, and it’s then I want alllll the soup recipes! Save our pins to your Pinterest board, so that when you’re ready for soup, you already have all of the BEST recipes.

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Crockpot Soup | Crockpot Soup Recipes | Crockpot Soup Recipes Healthy | Slow Cooker Recipes | Easy Slow Cooker Recipes Soup | Best Slow Cooker Recipes Soup | Slow Cooker Recipes Soup Healthy | Winter Soup Recipes Slow Cooker | Find some of the best crockpot soup recipes here to make dinner a breeze! Let the slow cooker do all of the work!

Why is crockpot soup so appealing?

There are several reasons why crockpot soup recipes can be particularly appealing:

  1. Convenience: Crockpot soups are known for their convenience. You can prep your ingredients in the morning or the night before, set everything in the crockpot, and let it cook throughout the day while you go about your activities.
  2. Flavor development: Slow cooking allows flavors to meld together over hours, creating rich, deep flavors that you might not achieve with quicker cooking methods. This slow infusion of flavors often results in a more satisfying and comforting soup.
  3. Tender ingredients: Ingredients like tough cuts of meat, root vegetables, and legumes become incredibly tender when cooked low and slow in a crockpot. This adds to the overall texture and enjoyment of the soup.
  4. Versatility: Crockpot soups are versatile and can accommodate a wide variety of ingredients. Whether you prefer a hearty stew-like soup with lots of vegetables and proteins, or a smooth and creamy soup with blended ingredients, the crockpot allows for flexibility in recipes.
  5. Time-saving: While the soup cooks, you’re free to attend to other tasks or relax, making it a time-saving cooking method. This is especially appealing for busy days or when you have guests coming over.
  6. Nutrient retention: Slow cooking at lower temperatures helps retain more nutrients in ingredients compared to faster cooking methods that can sometimes break down nutrients.
  7. Aroma: One of the most delightful aspects of cooking with a crockpot is the aroma that fills your home as the soup simmers. It builds anticipation and adds to the overall enjoyment of the meal.

These reasons collectively contribute to why many people enjoy crockpot soup recipes—they’re not only delicious and comforting but also practical and easy to prepare.

Pair these soups with our easy no-fuss, no-knead, 3-ingredient crusty bread!

It’s the BEST bread to go with soup!

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Tips for purchasing a crockpot:

When buying a crockpot, also known as a slow cooker, there are several key factors to consider to ensure you get one that meets your needs:

  1. Size/Capacity: Crockpots come in various sizes, typically ranging from 1 quart to 8 quarts or more. Choose a size based on how many people you typically cook for and whether you plan to make larger batches or smaller meals. For most households, a 4-6 quart crockpot is versatile enough.
  2. Heat Settings: Look for a crockpot with adjustable heat settings. Most crockpots have at least two settings (low and high), and some models offer a “keep warm” setting as well. Having the ability to adjust the heat ensures you can cook a wider variety of recipes.
  3. Shape: Crockpots come in oval and round shapes. Oval-shaped crockpots are ideal for cooking larger cuts of meat and whole chickens, while round ones are generally better for soups, stews, and smaller cuts of meat.
  4. Programmable Features: Programmable crockpots allow you to set cooking times and switch to a “keep warm” mode automatically once cooking is complete. This feature is convenient if you’re away from home during the day or prefer not to monitor cooking times closely.
  5. Lid Seal: A well-fitting lid with a seal helps to retain moisture and heat during cooking. It also prevents spills and keeps the flavors intact. Some lids come with locking mechanisms for added security during transportation.
  6. Ease of Cleaning: Choose a crockpot with a removable, dishwasher-safe insert for easy cleaning. Non-stick inserts are also available and can simplify cleanup.
  7. Additional Features: Depending on your preferences, you might look for extras like digital displays, timer functions, or even WiFi connectivity for remote control via smartphone apps.
  8. Brand and Reviews: Consider reputable brands known for quality and durability. Reading reviews from other users can provide insights into the performance and reliability of a particular model.
  9. Price and Warranty: Compare prices among different models and brands to find one that fits your budget without compromising on features you need. Check the warranty terms to ensure you’re covered in case of any defects or issues.

By considering these factors, you can choose a crockpot that aligns with your cooking style and preferences, ensuring enjoyable and convenient meal preparation.

Crockpots can range in a variety of prices. I’ve found a few of the best ones on Amazon with great reviews!

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Browse these scrumptuous crockpot soup recipes!

35 Mouthwatering Crockpot Soup Recipes

find some of the best crockpot soup recipes for easy dinner prep!

Our french bread is another of our popular bread recipes. Dip it in soup broth for the ultimate soup night.

Need an easy French bread recipe? This homemade, fresh bread pairs nicely with soup!

Crockpot Soup | Crockpot Soup Recipes | Crockpot Soup Recipes Healthy | Slow Cooker Recipes | Easy Slow Cooker Recipes Soup | Best Slow Cooker Recipes Soup | Slow Cooker Recipes Soup Healthy | Winter Soup Recipes Slow Cooker | Find some of the best crockpot soup recipes here to make dinner a breeze! Let the slow cooker do all of the work!
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