Travel Snack Mix… for kids!!!


5 Ingredient Travel Snack Mix …for kids!!!

We decided to take a family vacation this summer. Last year, we simply had a stay-cation since we had a newborn and 2 toddlers. It was an enjoyable time, but I am so excited to venture out with my little family this time. With three little ones four and under, you wonder if it’ll be more stressful than it’s worth… but to stay ahead of the game, we are planning a flexible, but well thought through schedule to hopefully have a fun and relaxing time together. 


I LOVE to see the excitement and joy on my kiddo’s faces. We have some exciting things planned, but it’s so crazy how the littlest things thrill them. It’s just precious and I want to soak in ALL these moments.


Travel Snack Mix... for kids!!! | Trail Mix | Easy snack | Snack Mix Recipes | Snack Mix for kids | Snack mix recipes sweet | Trail mix | Trail Mix recipes for Kids | Trail Mix recipes Easy | Travel snacks Roadtrip | Travel Snacks for Kids | Snack Ideas | Snacks or kids | Six Clever Sisters


Do you pack lots of travel snacks for your trips? We all know snacks make kids happy, ha!, so how about some of this 5 Ingredient Travel Snack Mix for your next road trip? 



Travel Snack Mix... for kids!!! | Trail Mix | Easy snack | Snack Mix Recipes | Snack Mix for kids | Snack mix recipes sweet | Trail mix | Trail Mix recipes for Kids | Trail Mix recipes Easy | Travel snacks Roadtrip | Travel Snacks for Kids | Snack Ideas | Snacks or kids | Six Clever Sisters


Travel Snack Mix Ingredients:

  1. Cheez its (because just about every kid loves cheese crackers šŸ˜‰ )

  2. Mini PB filled pretzels  (I found some at Kroger for $1 a bag!)

  3. Greek Yogurt raisins  (also at Kroger in the bulk food section)

  4. Chocolate covered pretzels (yum!)

  5. Crispy M&M’s (I personally prefer these for my kids since they are not so rich as regular M&M’s)


Travel Snack Mix... for kids!!! | Trail Mix | Easy snack | Snack Mix Recipes | Snack Mix for kids | Snack mix recipes sweet | Trail mix | Trail Mix recipes for Kids | Trail Mix recipes Easy | Travel snacks Roadtrip | Travel Snacks for Kids | Snack Ideas | Snacks or kids | Six Clever Sisters


Just mix everything together in a bowl and divide it into baggies or pack it in a large container. 

Travel Snack Mix... for kids!!! | Trail Mix | Easy snack | Snack Mix Recipes | Snack Mix for kids | Snack mix recipes sweet | Trail mix | Trail Mix recipes for Kids | Trail Mix recipes Easy | Travel snacks Roadtrip | Travel Snacks for Kids | Snack Ideas | Snacks or kids | Six Clever Sisters




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